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Exposing literal hypocrisy.

2003-11-12 - 6:44 a.m.

I know I�ve written about this before, but seriously, what is the deal with the over-use of the word �literally�? The book I�m currently reading is using it on almost every other page!

We are now about 3 years into the current decade, about the time we should be able to recognize some of the trends that the 00�s will eventually be known for. And I can�t help wondering if �literally� is a part of one of those trends.

Have 20 years of politically correct speech brought us to the point where we need a word to modify phrases that we really mean in their traditional sense? Are we so used to talking in euphemisms that we need to note the exceptional times when actually mean what we say? Is this the beginning of a trend toward more honest communication?

Could it be a result of 9/11? Are people waking up to the fact that years of having to say that �Islam is a peaceful religion� blinded us to the small portion of Muslims that actually view their religion as a call to destroy western civilization? Political correctness glossed over a lot of truths. Hence the front page news when some study reveals that, *gasp*, men and women are actually different. And if handicapped people are actually handi-capable, why do we still have to build ramps for them? (O.k., that was mean.)

But seriously, I would welcome a return to a time when we can deal with situations honestly. It turns out that changing the language doesn�t change reality. In fact, it discourages us from recognizing the truth. If we want to be safer by searching people before they get on a plane, then let�s come out and say that it makes sense to start by searching the Arabs. Grandma Jones from Milwaukee probably doesn�t want to blow us up.

It might be also tied to the recent delight I�ve noted in the media in pointing out hypocrites. Rush Limbaugh�s illegal appropriation of prescription drugs. Rosie O�Donnell�s fake �Queen of Nice� act. Granted, people have always hated hypocrites, and we love to knock down a celebrity. But there used to be a time when we winked at the excesses of movie stars and sports heroes. Now people seem more upset that Kobe Bryant may not actually be a �nice guy� than they are that he may have raped someone.

And here�s the capper! Believe it or not, �oh man, it pains me to write this� but people are actually beginning to say� not me mind you, but other people� that � Britney Spears can�t sing. I know! I guess she�s been focusing too much on being hot, and forgetting to keep up on her voice lessons. Could the trend of blond adolescent pop stars be over? I can�t wait to look back in ten years and find out if this is the point when the new music trend started. Or maybe I don�t have to wait� isn�t there an �I Love 2003� show on VH1 this month? Literally�

Listening to: "It's My Life" by Talk Talk. Welcome back again, 80's music!
Watching: PTI on ESPN
Drinking: Wild Cherry Pepsi.

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