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Ah, Jessica. So pretty, so dumb.

2003-10-27 - 6:46 p.m.

Oh my god, how much do I love that show Newlyweds with Jessica Simpson? There is a great review of it here, which explains the allure of the show.

Jessica sure is pretty, but wow, girlfriend is dumb. You can actually tell when she�s thinking, because it takes all of her energy. You can see the brain working, because all motor function ceases. And conversely, it is sometimes obvious that nothing is going on behind those eyes.

You have to wonder how she achieved what she has in life. And I�m not talking about the singing career. I�m talking about living into her �almost mid-twenties� (hee). Occasionally I think that she must have appeared in this world, whole and perfect, at the age of eighteen. She acts like she�s only been aware of the world for about 3-4 years. For instance, upon seeing dolphins (of which she is afraid), she exclaimed, �Dolphins have holes in their heads?� Show me an eight-year-old girl outside of the entertainment industry that doesn�t know this. The show then rubs in how privileged this freak is by showing her swimming with the dolphins, something that is a fantasy of most of her pre-pubescent fans. It�s not Jessica�s fantasy. She looks like she�s being forced through aversion therapy. But wealth, talent, and beauty have their rewards, even if the recipient isn�t grateful.

Her husband Nick is no Einstein either, but next to her he seems like Leonardo DaVinci. The amusing thing about him is how cheap he is. Amusing, but I don�t blame him. It�s almost as if he can hear the clock ticking on both of their careers. He seems to know the gravy train is almost at the end of the tracks. Clue number one? He�s the subject of a reality show. His solo career isn�t taking off, and let�s face it, Jessica Simpson isn�t going to reinvent herself like Madonna. When people tire of vacuous, young blonds� uh�um� O.K., that�s not going to happen. But she won�t be young forever. And we already have a Faith Hill, thank you very much.

I doubt the second season will be as funny. She has to wise up between seasons, doesn�t she? They�ll have put some character into that empty mansion they live in. And the show will soon be about the painful slide in has-been land. But that first season is on tape now, and will always stand to document what happens when you raise a child to be an entertainer and your meal ticket to the exclusion of all else. If a psychologist had proposed that we raise a child this way, just as an experiment, he would have had his license revoked. But it sure is fun to watch.

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