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Reality Bytes

2003-12-10 - 7:32 a.m.

Here�s a surprise: I couldn�t bring myself to watch The Simple Life last night. The idea of spoiled rich girls genuinely trying to live and work on a farm and learning from the experience was appealing. But these girls aren�t genuine about anything but amusing themselves. They know that after a month that they�re going to go back to their socialite lifestyle, so it has become a month of slumming and disrespecting the rubes. That�s not entertaining to me, it�s just mean. More proof, I guess, that I�m beyond the show�s target demographic.

Making good reality shows is a fine line. Casting can make or break them.

I watched the Real World/Road Rules Challenge on Sunday, which is produced by the same people who did The Simple Life. The cast on there is more compelling because they need the money for which they�re playing. They�re all trying and they all care. And because they�re young, that passion often comes out in tears and anger. That�s interesting drama.

And the kids on the Real World and Road Rules are at the age where they�re still trying to learn conflict management for themselves, and they�re still shocked and upset to realize that people make decisions with ulterior motives. I miss that naivet�. It�s a good time in life. I guess the idealism of youth fades, and that�s when you become a Republican.

I was never interested in Survivor. I work in an office. Why would I want to come home and watch adults scheme against each other, compete for attention, and try to keep from losing their position?

At least the Real World kids look pretty while they�re doing it. Probably because they get to go home to a mansion every night. If the Survivor people could do that, they�d look better, but it would reduce the conflict. Adults need the hardships to raise their tempers. I think that most adults, when given regular meals and showers, a pool table, and a hot tub, would probably find a way to agree on whose turn it was to do the dishes.

We�re all going into a busy time of the year, and I may not be able to update as regularly as I have in the past two months. If you�d like to be notified when this site is updated, I encourage you to sign up for the notify list on the left, there.

Listening to: "Driving Home For Christmas" by Chris Rea
Watching: Star Trek TNG reruns on Spike. Nerd.
Drinking: The last of the Sam Adams. :-(

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4 comments on this entry so far...

Maureen - 2003-12-10 10:29:28
Oh, Gerry, how i love this site so. I tried to watch the Simple Life last night because of what you told me about it last week, and I typically enjoy what you enjoy. Well, i could watch for about 45 seconds at a time. Then I just got angry and almost felt hurt. Why couldn't I reach through the screen and smack those girls. And I am usually against smacking. It was horrible, they are terrible people. Oh, the horror. I agree with your assessment. They are just mean.
Gerry - 2003-12-10 14:03:45
But because I didn't watch The Simple Life, I forgot to watch Celebrity Poker! Damn, I need to tape that...
Cheryl - 2003-12-10 14:04:01
I saw previews for The Simple Life and chose not to watch it because I saw Nicole sticking her hand up the butt of a cow and I can't handle things like that. I watch ER threw my fingers as I cover my face for goodness sake! But to find out that they do gross things AND they are mean, well I'll stick with the Real World. However, if you are into the rich girl thing, Rich Girls on MTV is pretty entertaining. At least they want to feed starving children. But I must admit I'm looking forward to the next season of Newlyweds! The first season left so many unanswered questions: did Nick kill all the bees? Did Jessica ever cook again? Did they ever make it to that movie? And, damn it, is it Chicken of, at, by , or from the Sea?
Gerry - 2003-12-10 14:13:14
I two snippets of Rich Girls. One was a hilariously framed shot of one of the girls crying on the phone about how tough her life is. The camera kept pulling back to show her sitting on the edge of a pool behind her mansion on a beautiful sunny day. No doubt we were all at work the moment that was filmed...
The second was a montage of one the girls in a shop where she had just been given (given!) diamond chandelier earrings. The tape was editted to repeat the word "beautiful" over and over. Reminiscent of the "cute" montage from Newlyweds. Must be the same staff...

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